i have a five year old with beautiful thick long curly curly hair.she is very tenderheaded,just brushing her edges makes her cry.i dont want to put chemicals in her hair but i dont think i can torture her anymore with the combing and brushing please i need some advice.
Only for women or men who have african american children or who are proffesional hairstylist?
My mom had and still has the same problem with my little sister's hair. It's really long and curly and just brushing it makes her twinge. My mom first started washing her hair and just brushing it out. But she recently went and bought a straightening iron/press. And it doesn't relax the hair but straightens out the curls. the only problem is that if the hair gets wet it will curl back up. I wouldn't use that in your case because your daughter is so young. I was looking in a hair book last week. Have you ever seen the relaxer for little girls? I think it's called "just for me" or something like that. Well, they just released a new product that instead of relaxing the hair it just loosens the curls. It's made for girl with really curly and "nappy" hair. I haven't tried it yet but you may want to find it try some.good luck!
Only for women or men who have african american children or who are proffesional hairstylist?
my mom had this problem and she eventually gave up and started relaxing my hair. applying a lotion or thicker oil moisturizer to her hair may make it easier to manage. if the chemical thing isnt right, try to take her to a black salon to get her hair pressed.
Only for women or men who have african american children or who are proffesional hairstylist?
i'm not a mother, but my hair used to just like that
i used Just For Me detangling spray and my mother combed it while it was wet, and had many conditioners from just for me, until she gets old enough for chemicals, i would try that
Only for women or men who have african american children or who are proffesional hairstylist?
I agree. You may want to have her hair pressed out at a salon. This will make it better for you and her. If worse comes to worse, you may have to put a relaxer on it but make sure you take her to a salon to get it done the first time.
Only for women or men who have african american children or who are proffesional hairstylist?
Use a detangler/comb out spray before you comb and brush the child's hair.
Only for women or men who have african american children or who are proffesional hairstylist?
use a wide tooth comb and comb her hair when it is wet to detangle and also use a little bit of conditioner when it is damp, or oil will work to. Dont forget to comb from bottom to top.
Only for women or men who have african american children or who are proffesional hairstylist?
Combing hair while its wet with a wide tooth comb helps and lessens the tangles and pain. You just might need to get a spray detangler. I use this on my daughter who is mixed. To soften the hair and make it more manageable condition it every night and while its wet put it in big braids to keep it tangle free. And while combing, don't pull it from the scalp, comb from the ends, detangle from the bottom first then work your way up. I hope this helps.
Only for women or men who have african american children or who are proffesional hairstylist?
I don't think that you should relax her hair. She's only five. Once you relax it her curls will be gone. Just experiment with different products until you find one that works.
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