Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Why is it that some people think having kinky hair and dark skin makes a person less than?

like the whole good hair, bad hair.

light skin, dark skin thing.

i think the kinky afros look nice.

dark skin is gorgeous.

so why do people say african american hair is bad? its not.

why do people say dark skin is bad, ugly, its so nice, if it gets pimples you can barely see them?

Why is it that some people think having kinky hair and dark skin makes a person less than?

Someone had asked a similar question a little while ago, and this is the answer i gave:

Having lighter skin, 'good hair', etc. is associated (almost across the globe and throughout history) with higher socio-economic status, greater education/intelligence, and thus beauty and desireability. Who doesn't want to be associated with all those things?

This is not my personal opinion, but an anthropological and historical approach to understanding the subconcsious rascism that has helped to create the stereotypes associated with African-American features.

Why is it that some people think having kinky hair and dark skin makes a person less than?

Who says this??? Why are you looking for problems and things to complain about???

No, not okay - that's bull crap and you know it...stop crying about society not "promoting" the way anybody looks...All the media supports these days are the rich, famous, and beautiful - regardless of their colour...stop trying to create issues where none exist...

Why is it that some people think having kinky hair and dark skin makes a person less than?

Are u saying this because u have the same hair as them..?

and no one ever said it was bad well at least i

and yes it kinda does look nasty wen its big and looks non washed

but if the girl is pretty and can pull it off with having nice afro curly hair shes cute

if not

then its nasty

Why is it that some people think having kinky hair and dark skin makes a person less than?

this issue still exists today because white people made blacks feel this way since way back when it was slavery...just ignore them and t hey'll go away. just remember anything that is light has came from something dark.

Why is it that some people think having kinky hair and dark skin makes a person less than?

I agree with you

Why is it that some people think having kinky hair and dark skin makes a person less than?

I have natural hair and I get compliments all the time. Ive never been told I have bad hair. No ones ever told me dark skin is bad either. I live in a white/latino neighborhood and I never recieve negative comments about my looks.

Why is it that some people think having kinky hair and dark skin makes a person less than?

Virus phobia (virophobia) based on a false belief of symptom and contamination: science versus superstition.

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